+ 39 030 68 48 050
  • info@padano.it
Retifico Padano
Made in Italy
Retifico Padano
Made in Italy
Retifico Padano
Made in Italy
Retifico Padano
Made in Italy
Retifico Padano
Made in Italy

About retificio Padano

Retificio Padano

Reti Made in Italy

Nets since 1980, strictly Made in Italy

Custom nets

If you need particular solutions, contact us, we will find the solution for you



Team Padano



Catalog products



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Do you need information?

No problem!

For any doubts, questions or technical questions, you can contact us from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm

from Retificio Padano

Our main products


Main production phases

First phase

The first production phase consists in the extrusion of the HDPE granule into many filaments, which are then stretched and stabilized in special ovens. The yarn produced is then collected on many cones (reels).

Second phase

The spools of yarn, produced in the previous phase, are then unspooled and warped on the beams (large spools). The beams will be made with a specific number of threads based on the mesh to be produced.

Third phase

The beams produced are installed on the frames. All the threads of the various beams are threaded into the individual needles of the loom and the actual weaving begins.